deKay's Lofi Gaming

The art of ignoring video games

If you know me, or if you read this blog, or monitor my Usenet and forum posts, then you’ll know I buy a lot of games. Like, loads. I play a lot too: most days I put in an hour or so, longer at the weekend. This may appear to be a very long time to non-gamers, but you have to consider how much time I don’t spend watching TV, which is far more passive and couch potatoey. One look …

Serious Sam: Next Encounter (GC)

I have about ten million known good games as-yet unstarted sitting on my shelf. Things like Metroid Prime: Echoes and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I even got Fahrenheit cheaply this morning. So what did I decided to pick up and play today? Well, this obviously. Graphically, it’s nothing special. Originality is out the window. The puzzles are few and simple, and there’s nothing much to recommend it. However, there’s lots to shoot and the dialogue is genuinely funny. Best …